Préfilter Sieve 2 Filtreco


Préfilter Sieve 2 Filtreco

899,00 € tax incl.

The Sieve 2 operates in gravity mode.

The water is routed through the 110 mm pipes from the basin to the prefilter.

The amount of water entering the prefilter is regulated by a float device.

When the water level rises in the prefilter, the float rises and acts on a lever, allowing less water to pass through.

An equilibrium is obtained between the water which enters the pre-filter and that which is pumped, which maintains a constant water level under the grid in the pre-filter.

Water that falls through the stainless steel grate is freed from dirt with a size greater than 0.3 mm.

The water can then be directed to the biological filtration by a pump that sucks up the water held underneath the grid.


As a prefilter, upstream of a multi-chamber filter.

As a pre-filter, upstream of a bead filter.

Suitable for a small pond in gravity mode.

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