SharkSieve Grid Prefilter

SharkSieve Grid Prefilter

555,00 € tax incl.

SharkSieve prefilter, operates in pumping mode.

Its application is very simple: a water pump is connected to the prefilter connection (first passing through the UV sterilizer).

The water falls through the grid that traps dirt up to 0.3 mm.

This action has an enormous impact on micro-organisms that need to treat less organic matter:

> Increase the performance of biological treatment.

> Decreased cleaning frequency.

> Increase in assimilable volumes.

> Development of biofilm.

> Super oxygenation essential to the bacteria of the filtration which thus find their performance tenfold.

This pre-filter must always be placed above the water level of the pond and therefore of the biological filter that it feeds.

Thinner mechanical filtration: 300 microns!

Overflow system in case of clogged grille: you leave quiet ...


As a filter upstream of a waterfall or creek.

As a prefilter, over a multi-chamber filter.

As a trickle filter, combined with existing runoff systems.

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