QuickSeam Splice Tape Elevate


Elevate™ QuickSeam Splice Tape is a self-adhesive tape used to join RubberGard™ EPDM membrane strips.

8,50 € tax incl.


Elevate™ QuickSeam Splice Tape is a 76 mm (3'') or 152 mm (6'') wide self-adhesive tape used to splice RubberGard™ EPDM membrane sheets.


QuickSeam Splice Tape can be used in the following Elevate systems: RubberGard™ EPDM, GeoGard™ EPDM, PondGard™ EPDM and GeoSmart™ EPDM.

Preliminary Precautions

The surface of the Elevate EPDM membrane must be cleaned with QuickPrime™ using the QuickScrubber™ tool. No other product may be used. If stored below 15°C, ensure that the membrane is brought to room temperature before use.


The 76 mm strip is used for standard joints, without anchoring batten in the joint.

First clean the membrane with Cleaning Wash and then treat with QuickPrime Plus.

Then place the QuickSeam Splice

Available in the following dimensions

7.62 cm x 1.00 m.

7.62 cm x 7.62 m.

7.62 cm x 30.5 m.

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