AquaForte XL drum filter


AquaForte XL drum filter

3 495,00 € tax incl.

How does a drum filter work ?

The filter consists mainly of a tank in which is housed a rotating drum: this drum is coated with a 75 micron (0.07 mm) filter membrane on its periphery.

The dirty water from the basin is directed into the drum and, to leave the filter, the water must pass through the filter membrane.

The water in the basin, which is freed from the particles, leaves the filter and is directed towards the biological filtration.

As the dirty water passes through the drum, the particles are deposited by obstructing the small holes in the membrane, which gradually clogs.

The passage of the water is braked, which causes a difference in level between the downstream and the upstream of the sieve.

At this time, the detection system starts a drum cleaning cycle. At this moment the drum rotates very slowly and the nozzles arranged on the upper part (outside of the drum) project jets of water onto the filter membrane: under the pressure of the water, the smallest dirt is expelled from the drum Filter membrane.

These dirt are recovered in a gutter and directed to the sewer. The upstream / downstream water level is restored to the next cycle.

This cleaning is minimalist: it only intervenes when necessary.


They are numerous and the first is obvious: good filtration is based on the principle of removing as quickly as possible a maximum of particles and extracting them from the water of the basin so that they can no longer harm.

A "normal" filter can only retain what it can ... and the waste it retains degrades in water. With a drum, this is not the case, biological filtration is less stressed, which in many cases allows to reduce its volume.

Second big advantage: provided you have a reasonable UV power, the water is clear all year round. No problems!

Third advantage: finished cleaning the grid prefilter or brushes, a drum filter is self-cleaning. Let's be honest, this filter still requires a minimum of attention because it is a machine, and therefore some minor interventions are to be expected, but absolutely nothing binding.

Finally, each brand, each model has its peculiarities: it is up to you to determine the exact type of filter you need.

Pumping or gravity, Stainless or polypropylene, with or without biological filter? These are the first criteria of choice but the most important is its size. Remember that a filter is never too large: the rinsing frequency will be comfortable (3 to 4 rinses per hour in summer for a dozen per day in winter).

On the other hand, a filter too small will consume more water because it will have to rinse more often. We are at your disposal to guide you in your choice.

The highlights of this model

> A model with very good value for money.

> It is lightweight, easy to integrate and install, everything is pre-wired.

> Extra-low mounting height: 10 cm above the water level.

> This model operates in gravity mode and in pumping mode.

> Integration of a possible and planned UV lamp.

Filtration mode pumped / gravity
Material PP
Dimensions L x l x H mm 620 x 620 x 550
Mounting height above water level mm 100
Screen microns 75
Inlet mm 3 x 110
Outlet mm 2 x 110
Dirty water outlet mm 110
Flow max m3/h 35
Voltage V 230 / 50 Hz
Motor voltage V 48
Rinse pump pressure bar 2 à 4
Control box Auto / timer / manual
Cover protection yes
Air diffuser yes

Rinsing pump.

UVC lamp.

Dimensions L x l x H 620 x 620 x 550 mm
Débit maxi 35 m3 / heure
Nombre d'entrées 3 x 110 mm
Nombre de sortie 2 x 110 mm
Modèle convertible gravitaire ou pompage Oui
Matériau Polypropylène
Tamis 75 microns

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