Bactoplus Activator Gel

Bactoplus Activator Gel

26,70 € tax incl.

In order to stimulate the life of the bacteria in your garden pond optimally, there is Bactoplus Activator.

This product contains natural minerals, trace elements as well as specially selected nutrients and bacteria.

In the case of new garden ponds, activation of Activator is possible only if bacteria have already been added, whereas in existing garden ponds Activator can be added without reserve.

Activator is an ideal maintenance product: by stimulating the bacteria, the quality of the water is optimized and the growth of algae is countered in a natural way.


Starting the filter or in case of high ammonia or nitrite values: 50 ml per 1000 liters of water.

After cleaning the filter or replacing the water: 25 ml per 1000 liters of water.

Maintenance dose: 25 ml per 1000 liters of water once a month.

The stopper contains about 15 ml.


The water temperature of the pond must be above 10 ° C.

The UVC sterilizer and ozone must be disconnected at least 24 hours after administration.


Available in 1 or 2.5 liters.

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